
June 21: At Judy’s for my rehab.

June 20: Very poor sleep last night due out our staying up late to watch “The Comeback,” followed by all the post-game analysis. Then, having gone to bed at like 1 AM, I just had a terrible night’s 

sleep. But none of that had anything to do with my post surgical issues that gave me trouble sleeping in the past. Really, at this point, I’m having a fairly easy time lying on my side in the fetal position, moving on and off the bed, and just twisting and turning to change sleep positions. 

Got my walk in…but I kind of got a bit of a sore tendon behind my knee on my left leg from being a little too aggressive in my adding volume and intensity since I saw my cardiologist last Thursday. Yea, all I needed to hear was him giving me the green light to “walk a bit further slightly faster” and I was like a bodybuilder on steroids! I punched the gas pedal! Went from my 1:30 hour walks to like 1:50 hours, and I increased the pace from about 2.75 mph to like 3.5 mph. Felt great….but I noticed my left leg was feeling a bit tweaky back on Sunday. So anyway, today the knee thing is not like debating sore, but I can feel it’s THERE, and I felt it on the uphills and downs. Ended up cutting my walk back to about 1:20 hours and slowing down a bit. 

Came home and iced that puppy on and off for a good hour. That helped big time, and for the rest of the day it felt pretty good. Next up in the day was Judy driving pop and I to the dentist where he had to have a couple of teeth yanked at the oral surgeon’s office, and then we had to go directly to see Doc Mike, our family dentist, so pop could get a filling while the area was still numb from the extractions. Went though the freaking driving issue with pop yet again, and managed to hold me stress level down, way down, as I told him several times that Judy WAS, and IS going to drive. 

Cooked dinner at home after all the dentist stuff, and I did all the prep work and cooking alone, which three weeks ago would have been impossible for me to do. So my energy level is just climbing back up there day by day. Now, I do have to say when all was said and done, at the very end of the day after Judy and I headed back to her house, I did feel tired. But heck, it’s just night and day comparing three weeks ago to today. 

As I said though, this grey area I’m living in right now which lies between the early post-surgery days when I was totally wasted, and the future when I’m going to be able to lift and ride and get back to normal, this is tough to live in. It’s almost like I have to just sit here and watch the world go by day after day after day. As I’ve said a hundred times in this blog, there’s only so much professional and personal work I can do on the computer each day, so couple that with my walk, and maybe a bit of grocery shopping or to-do’s with pop, and I’ve still got a WHOLE lot of day leftover! When it’s sunny and beautiful out there…ouch! 

But time is moving on here, and I’m getting closer to the day when I can begin a gradual and structured training routine. SO, I’ll try to enjoy these last few days or weeks where I have to just chill and reflect on life during all that free time.